Goals are mental images of what we want to achieve. Setting goals involves identifying specific objectives and outlining the steps to reach them. Health goals can serve as personal milestones on the path to better well-being. When managing blood sugar, setting clear health goals becomes especially important. 

Your goals don’t need to represent the ultimate endpoint; instead, they can be steppingstones toward becoming the best version of yourself and living the life you envision. 

Distinguishing Between Long-Term and Short-Term Goals 

It’s essential to differentiate between long-term and short-term goals. Short-term goals are the small, actionable steps that lead to achieving your bigger goals. Think of them as “mini” milestones, measurable with frequent data. These goals should focus on daily or weekly tasks and are things you aim to accomplish soon—within days, weeks, or months. For example, you could set a goal to take vitamins four days a week, eat a vegetable with every meal for a month, or avoid screen time 30 minutes before bed for three weeks. 

Long-term goals, however, take more time and sustained effort—usually over months or even years. These could include reaching a specific A1C or fasting blood sugar level, losing a set amount of weight, or gaining enough energy to go on long walks with your grandkids. By breaking long-term goals into smaller, short-term, manageable steps, you create a clear and actionable plan that keeps you motivated and on track to becoming your best self. 

Setting the Right Goals: How to Know Where to Start 

Imagine your goal is to hike with your kids or grandkids within the next six months. It’s easy to fall into the trap of seeking quick results or pushing yourself too hard, too fast. For example, you might plan to walk for a full hour every day during your first week to build stamina. However, this can lead to injury or soreness, preventing you from continuing the following week. This “more is better” mentality can cause a setback in the long run if the goal isn’t sustainable. 

Avoiding burnout is personal to you, which is why working with your Tula HealthCoach, nurse, and dietitian can be so beneficial. They help keep you motivated, remind you of your goals, and guide you through obstacles. You can count on them for tips, resources, and evidence-based advice to empower your decisions. Having a supportive, focused team helps you set realistic and achievable goals. If you haven’t started setting goals yet, developing your Tula HealthProgram with HealthActivities is the perfect first step with LIVE TULA. 

Your Personal Tula HealthProgram 

Your HealthProgram will serve as the foundation for your progress. The first step is identifying your “WHY”—the reason behind your decision to pursue better health. To help you reflect, consider these questions: 

  • What are my values and beliefs about my health? 
  • How do I want to live my life? 
  • Who am I, and who do I want to be? 
  • If I continue living the way I am now, how would my future look? 

At LIVE TULA, we believe “one size fits one.” Your HealthCoach will work with you to create a personalized HealthProgram that focuses on the areas you want to improve first. The key is to start with small, simple HealthActivities that are flexible and easy to integrate into your routine. Choose two HealthActivities to start, aiming for at least twice a week. As you decide, consider any obstacles you face, such as nutrition, movement, or hydration, and focus on what’s easiest to begin with. Your selected activities should align with your long-term health goals. 

Here are a few HealthActivities to consider: 

  • Blood checks with your glucometer 
  • Drinking more fluids 
  • Checking in with a family member or friend 
  • Recording blood pressure 
  • Resistance training 
  • Getting more sunshine 
  • Meal prepping 
  • Breathwork 
  • Recording your weight 
  • Eating at home 
  • Foot care 
  • Mindfulness practices 

Your HealthProgram and goals can adapt as you progress and encounter new situations, keeping them relevant and achievable. 

Starting or reviewing your HealthProgram may feel overwhelming, and the fear of failure is real. It’s okay to acknowledge any fears you have. The key is to accept those feelings and focus on what you can control, rather than what you can’t. By doing this, you can start your HealthProgram with confidence and set yourself up for success. 

How to Know If You’re on the Right Track 

One way to assess your progress is by tracking what you’re doing, what you’ve accomplished, and how you feel both emotionally and physically about your efforts. Keep in mind that not all success is visible. In fact, the internal and often unseen progress can be just as important, if not more so, than the outward results. 

As you monitor your progress, take note of how your HealthActivity habits are developing. You might ask yourself: 

  • Are they becoming easier to stay consistent with? 
  • What do I enjoy about them? 
  • Are these habits sustainable for me in the long term? 

By reflecting on these questions, you can evaluate whether you’re moving toward your goals effectively while maintaining a balance that works for you. 

Overcoming Challenges 

Facing challenges when adopting new habits is natural. Setbacks will happen, and when they do, it’s crucial to remember your “WHY.” This can help reignite your motivation. As the saying goes, aim for progress, not perfection. Small, consistent steps are what lead to lasting success. 

When you experience a setback, the key is to pick yourself up and keep moving forward—like a runner who stumbles but keeps going. If you’re struggling, your HealthCoach is there to support you, offering encouragement and helping you identify what caused the stumble. Recognizing these obstacles allows you to plan for them, reducing the likelihood of falling off track again. 

We recommend using the Trackables feature in your myTula app to log your HealthActivities. This keeps you focused, highlights the benefits of managing your blood sugar effectively, and helps your support team guide you in making informed health decisions. Remember, even if you stumble, you can always regain your balance! 

You are capable, and you can achieve your goals—we’re here to help every step of the way!

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step—or in this case, two! 

Sending Health Your Way!

The Tula Clinical Team  

Reviewed by: 
Aubree RN, BSN 
Austin MS, RDN, CSR, LDN, CD 


Tula Takeaways

1. Embracing the “Reaching Goals Two by Two” approach can lead to significant improvements in your health and blood sugar management. Start small, be patient, and watch these small changes add up to a healthier, happier you. 
2. Goal setting may feel complex, but you have tools to help turn new behaviors into habits. One powerful tool is your support network. Share one of your Two by Two goals with your HealthCoach and someone in your social circle for accountability. 
3. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb. How can you plant your tree today? Define your Two by Two goals and start tracking them in your myTula app. 


  1. Bailey, R. R. (2017). Goal setting and action planning for health behavior change. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 13(6), 615-618. https://doi.org/10.1177/1559827617729634 
  2. Clear, J. (2018). Atomic habits: An easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones. Avery. 
  3. Duhigg, C. (2012). The power of habit: Why we do what we do in life and business. Random House. 
  4. Fung, J. (2016). The obesity code: Unlocking the secrets of weight loss. Greystone Books. 


The LIVE TULA blog is informational and not medical advice. Always consult your doctor for health concerns. LIVE TULA doesn’t endorse specific tests, products, or procedures. Use the information at your own risk and check the last update date. Consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice.